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A short video documenting the early stages of my latest project, _syngvaa_.
"Hi-res version (58MB)":http://zeitkunst.org/media/video/syngvaa.mov
More information to come later.
Tonight I attended a talk at the "Center for Advanced Visual Studies":http://cavs.mit.edu/ entitled "Terminal Air":http://cavs.mit.edu/artists.html?id=264,414, given by Tad, Hirsh, Trevor Paglen, and Andrew Woods. The topic was the extraordinary rendition by the CIA of "terrorist" subjects. Given the recent admission by Bush of the CIA program, the issue has been brought into the wider public's consciousness.
More "pain":http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/17/AR2006091700695.html?sub=AR from Iraq:
Perched on a red chair outside a closet-sized bookshop, the only one open, Naim al-Shatri is nearly in tears. Short, with thin gray hair and dark, brooding eyes, his voice is grim. This is normally his busiest day, but he hasn't had a single sale. A curfew is approaching.
Soon, his sobs break the stillness.
The work of "Dunne and Raby":http://www.dunneandraby.co.uk/ (warning: javascript resize) was some of the first that I came across as I navigated away from straight cognitive science. Shortly after I arrived as a research assistant in the "Kanwisher Lab":http://web.mit.edu/bcs/nklab/, I attended a "lecture":http://architecture.mit.edu/descomp/events.htm by the two of them in the architecture department at MIT.
This fall I plan on taking "Interrogative Design":http://architecture.mit.edu/subjects/fa06/4370.html, a workshop taught by Krzysztof Wodiczko who is well-known for his artworks that challenge perceptions of space, politics, and society.